Sunday, June 14, 2009

Umwa Sana

Well...right now I am writing a blog in between runs to the choo (toilet) to allow my body to expell something by whatever means necessary!

It came on rather quickly...I hope it leaves that quickly too!

There is little else to say really...I will be fine and it's not malaria so haina tatizo (no worries), but I could really go for some saltines and ginger ail right now!


Lauren Oh! said...

Oh Jesus! That's not how you have a vacation!

You should, uh, look into that. Because when you say "it's not malaria..." um, yeah, I have no reason to believe you.

Kim said...

I wish I could return the favor since you brought me ginger ale when I had the plague last summer.

You can't fool us, by the way. We know you were out partying last night and this is a hangover (sheesh! wild child)

Can I also just comment that the "word verification" on the comments board is ridiculous. "harition"? Is that a word? hold on... (goes to! They fail! What, are they too good for real words! Fine! I hereby proclaim that "harition" is a noun describing a premonition that makes your hair stand on end... Now teach that to all your students Kyler! We shall create a new language and spread it throughout the world. Take that Blogger programmer people!

Khari said...

ail? Ginger ail?! as opposed to ginger ill right? Sorry you feel bad! I miss you. NY is rainy and not really summery. Enjoy la vacacion! Cuando regreso (accent on the o) a la internet?

Jess said...

Poor baby! You've been struck down by some wild African pestilence! I am sending good vibes your way with my awesome psychic powers. Feel better soon!